The McDonald Mansion originally called “Mableton” was built in 1879 by Mark L. McDonald, one of Santa Rosa’s most prominent early citizens.
This landmark house is being restored thanks to the commitment of its current owners, and with the help and expertise of guild members, architects Rynerson & O'Brien, who have been compiling a history of the house. Here they share the first installment.
Mabelton was built in 1879 as the summer home of the Mark L. McDonald family, whose primary residence was in San Francisco. The family chose the name “Mableton” after the Mississippi plantation home of Ralphine North McDonald. Note the original two-tiered roof cresting and the bands of patterned roof shingles (now missing), which are to be restored. Partly visible on the far right of the image are the carriage house and the gazebo. Courtesy of Sonoma County Library History Annex and Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
Early History
The McDonald Mansion, originally called “Mableton,” was built in 1879 by Mark L. McDonald, one of Santa Rosa’s most prominent early citizens. Colonel McDonald, a Kentucky native, came west as captain of a wagon train in the early 1850’s. Trained in engineering, he first built roadways servicing gold and silver mines. His early successes allowed him to buy a seat on the San Francisco Stock Exchange, during which time he joined the ranks of the city's rich and powerful, including George Hearst, Leland Stanford and Charles Crocker.McDonald was active in civic affairs and was instrumental in the development of numerous local improvements, including Santa Rosa’s first library, the first steam railroad brought to Santa Rosa and operation of the Santa Rosa Water Works Company, an early private utility. He capitalized and built the nearby reservoir known as Lake Ralphine, which was named for McDonald’s wife. His other business interests included fruit packing plants and drying yards in the area.
The McDonalds’ primary residence was in San Francisco and Mableton was built as their summer home. The couple had seven children, although two of their daughters (Ralphine and Alice) died during childhood. Those who survived into adulthood included Mark L. McDonald, Jr., Stewart, Mabel, Edith and Florence.
Colonel Mark L. McDonald family around 1900. Mrs. McDonald, Edith, Stewart, Maxwell McNutt (husband of Florence McDonald), Mable, Florence, Mark Jr. and the Colonel. |
Mark L. McDonald Sr. died in 1917, in San Francisco, at the age of 84. Following his death, his wife Ralphine resided at Mableton, where she died in 1918 at the age of 75. The couple is buried in the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, which is located at the north end of McDonald Avenue.
The Middle Years
After the death of the senior McDonalds, the eldest son Mark Jr. and his wife Isabelle eventually became sole owners of Mableton, and made it their primary residence. In his career, Mark Jr.’s followed the example of his father, and found success running the Santa Rosa Water Works, and the M. L. McDonald Jr. and Co. Fruit Packing plant. He also had extensive holdings in orchard land and other real estate.Like her husband, Isabelle was a native Californian with family roots dating back to the Gold Rush. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frederick Juilliard, settled in Santa Rosa. The site of their family home was donated to the city by Isabelle’s father, and survives today as Juilliard Park in downtown Santa Rosa. Isabelle’s privileged upbringing included private East Coast schooling and several years of residence in Tuxedo Park, New York with her wealthy uncle Augustus Juilliard, who was the founder of the Juilliard School of Music.
By the early 1920’s, Mark and Isabelle had begun to extensively remodel Mableton to suit their own tastes. Among the changes they implemented were alterations to the rear of the house, installation of additional bathrooms, and numerous landscape improvements, including a tennis court (now the site of a formal garden). The couple had two children who survived into adulthood: a daughter, Marcia, and a son, Juilliard (a third child, Mark McDonald III, died in infancy).
The Last of the McDonalds
After Mark L. McDonald, Jr. died in 1932, Isabelle occupied a Nob Hill apartment in San Francisco as her primary residence. Until her death in 1960, Mableton was once again used mostly as a summer home. Isabelle’s son, Juilliard McDonald, had a successful career and maintained the family’s business interests. Although he was married twice, Juilliard died childless in 1946. Following the death of Isabelle, her daughter Marcia became the last surviving McDonald heir. Like her mother, Marcia chose to make her primary home in a San Francisco apartment. However, after her mother's death, she was less inclined to visit Mableton, and subsequently allowed the property to fall into disrepair.When Marcia, who never married, died childless in 1971 at the age of 65, the fate of the mansion was uncertain. The terms of Isabelle’s will and trust had dictated that, upon Marcia’s death, Mableton was to be left jointly to the University of California and Stanford University. Eventually, the property was offered for sale to the City of Santa Rosa, and local controversy over possible development plans for the site ensued.
Mableton In Transition
Ultimately, Mableton was saved from the wrecking ball by Dr. Jack Leissring, who purchased the dilapidated mansion in 1974 with the intention of restoring it. In that same year, the property was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Then, in 1977, during the course of the restoration process, a major fire occurred. Most of Mableton’s roof and second floor rooms were destroyed, and the fire burned through the previously intact original main hall ceiling and skylight.Santa Rosa Fire Department extinguishing fire in Mableton in 1977. |
Officially, the house was considered to be nearly a total loss. It was only through the efforts and perseverance of Dr. Leissring that Mabelton would once again regain its historic position of prominence on McDonald Avenue.